How Reviews and Ratings Affect Your App

Of the million apps that are present on the app market, what is it that motivates you to download one particular app? We know that app store optimization or ASO for short is a technique to get apps to rank higher in the app market. But ASO does not end here, as many factors affect the download rate of viewers, who visit an app’s page. The effect of factors like cost, aesthetics, and features of the app does not hold a candle to how ratings and reviews can influence a person to download the app. In this post, let us see how powerful buy ios reviews are compared to 1-star app reviews.

A survey conducted by Apptentive found that close to 60% of people always check ratings and reviews before downloading a certain app. This is a crucial section of any app page, where viewers are looking for reasons to be impressed and download the app. Good ratings and positive reviews drive in a lot of potential users. This is just how strong the influence of a presentable number of 5-star app reviews can be! Apart from helping an app gain more downloads, it also promotes the discoverability of an app. Apps with shiny reviews are bumped up higher when trying to search for apps using basic keywords. This is why you are more likely to see the best-rated app food delivery app on the top of the list while searching for ‘food delivery’. It is important to ask for one of these 5-star app reviews from the users. This brings in more users, while they browsing across various apps and their preview pages. Finding the right time to ask the user for a review is key. The best time to do so is when the user is enjoying the app like after he’s passed a few levels of a gaming app or even after placing an order and availing and great discount. When the users are having a great time with the app, their reviews will definitely reflect that. On the other hand, low ratings and negative reviews can turn away customers and not attract any downloads. This can be dangerous for an app, which leads it to rank low and be undiscoverable to potential users and customers. But this should not be the end of the app for you! As an app creator, negative reviews must be taken as a suggestion to continuing working on the app and making it better. When such reviews are taking proactively, it shows integrity. Angry users love accountability! And this is why having a ‘Support’ feature on your app’s page can also help a lot since users welcome quick solutions to the problems they’re facing with the app. Adding in other features to do with sharing the app to the user’s contacts, recommending others in return for a discount code or referral codes opens the door to many potential users. Another common practice followed by relatively new apps and even low rated apps is to buy reviews and get many people to keep posting them on their page. As we know it, this increases rankings and draws more users in.  For more information visit

At the end of the day, all app creators wish to be at the top of the charts with the most number of downloads. The best possible way to have happy customers leaving happy reviews is by creating a bullet-proof app and leaving a lot of space for suggestions and improvisations. Updating at regular intervals and optimizing your app is the best way to retain users and get 5-star app reviews from them!