Organic farming is a natural device for India that isn’t new and is being observed from historical time. It is a practical farming method where crops are cultivated to keep the soil alive, fertile and healthy. And, the soil can be easily kept healthy and fruitful with the help of organic waste. Organic wastes like aquatic waste, farm waste, animal waste and crop play an essential role in enriching the soil’s nutrients. Microbes are natural bio-fertilizers that help release the nutrient to the ground and make it easier for the crops to absorb it. The crop yield through organic farming helps increase sustainable production and is also eco-friendly, and does not pollute the environment.
Many researchers have observed organic farming and realized that it is a way of farming where farmers avoid or largely exclude artificial inputs like insecticides, fertilizer, food components, fertilizers and many more. Instead, organic agriculture, the viable quantity of production, depends on crop residues, animal manures, mineral grade rock components, crop rotation, and biological gadgets for nutrient mobilization and crop protection.
The unique technology for manufacturing food through organic agriculture is a control machine that promotes and complements the agro-surrounding environment. This also includes biodiversity, soil biological interest, and organic cycle. All these can be easily achieved using on-farm agronomic, organic, and mechanical methods; lastly, there should be a complete exclusion of all synthetic off-farm inputs.
Why is it essential to practice organic agriculture?
With the boom in population, our compulsion could be not the handiest to stabilize agricultural production but to boom it further in a sustainable manner. The scientists have found out that the ‘green Revolution’ with excessive enter use has reached a plateau and is now sustained with diminishing go back of falling dividends. As a result, natural stability wishes to be maintained at all cost for existence and property. The apparent preference for that could be extra relevant within the present generation, while those agrochemicals constructed from fossil gas aren’t renewable and are diminishing in availability. It may additionally fee closely on our foreign exchange in future.

The most important characteristics of organic farming are mentioned below.
New technology in agriculture helps shield the long time fertility of soils by keeping an organic supply on the ground, encouraging soil organic growth, and very cautious mechanical intervention.
providing crop vitamins not directly the usage of reasonably insoluble nutrient assets which can be made to be had to the plant through the movement of soil microorganisms
Nitrogen self-sufficiency via the use of legumes and organic nitrogen fixation, as well as robust recycling of natural substances inclusive of crop residues and cattle manures
Weed, sickness and pest control frequently relying on crop rotations, natural predators, variety, organic manuring, resistant types and restrained (ideally minimum) thermal, biological and chemical intervention
The extensive management of farm animals, paying complete regard to their evolutionary variations, behavioural needs and animal welfare troubles with admire to vitamins, housing, health, breeding and rearing
careful attention to the impact of the farming machine on the broader surroundings and the conservation of the natural world and natural habitats.
Smart farming in India is vital as it can reduce a considerable amount of carbon emission. Organic farming is a technique that includes plants and the rearing of animals in natural methods. This process entails using organic materials, fending off synthetic substances to hold soil fertility and ecological balance, minimizing pollutants and wastage. Organic farming is desired because it battles pests and weeds in a non-poisonous manner, entails fewer enter expenses for cultivation, and preserves ecological stability while promoting organic variety and safety of the surroundings.